GutsMan win and MegaMan persuades PlantMan to join the team. While preparing for the mission (WaveMan, GutsMan, CrashMan and MegaMan) they meet up with PlantMan. Yai is not here and Awomanada is making lightbulbs. In Sunday, where Lan does "not" have school, another mission comes up, and Lan is shock that two of the member is not there. In the end InfernoMan got deleted and DashMan was his self again, but the beast wasn't gone yet.

After seeing MegaMan, he log out and InfernoMan came instead. That TM was Pallade-Controlled, who contributed every other beast like CrashMan's and ProtoMan's. So, Pallade got DashMan (Kayla's friend) happiness and replaced it with a beast.

Her fame for beating the World Record made the "Other Group" think about taking her NetNavi's power source. Kayla Jones was one for Track and ran the 400m Woman. The event was held with many sports like Netbattling and Track and Field and so on. After this harsh Mission, they win, defeating PlugMan. In this Mission you have ProtoMan WaveMan MegaMan CrashMan and ConcreteMan. Next morning, Awomanada meets Lan and Awomanada gets to borrow MegaMan for the mission. Awomanada gets heroic (Karan already send mail to the others) and leads the team in the mission. ProtoMan and CrashMan unarrest him and ConcreteMan and Awomanada are part of the team! Later, like half a hour Awomanada tells Karan what happan and imforms her that another Team Mission will be formed by the one who overload the lightbulb. ProtoMan and CrashMan comes and arrest ConcreteMan. MegaMan, in his Virus-Busting time find ConcreteMan and netbattle him. Afternoon, million of NetNavi get deleted, or log-out from a NetNavi named ConcreteMan, trying to find the navi who broke her operator's lightbulb. School starting for the gang makes Lan busy.
Full of revenge, the teen (revealed to be called Awomanada) joins the team. PlugMan.EXE (recently hired for the "Other Group") makes a blackout by overloading Electricity.

We switch setting to see a teen girl with a hard hat fixing some Lightbulb in a cave. With them are ProtoMan, Roll, Glyde, CrashMan, GutsMan, and WaveMan. In this Team Mission, they attack the "Other Group" base (containing MegaMan and Goana). Chaud hires Fiona, CrashMan's operator to join the team. After WaveMan defeats CrashMan, ProtoMan everything. In the Network 3 CrashMan, a top NetNavi comes and tries to defeat WaveMan. Lan and WaveMan seeks help in the Offical Network without asking. They make a group in a network and ambushes the Progams there. Meanwhile, the "Other group" (Pallade, Goana, and Fennec) does some corrupting with MegaMan's beast inside him. The next day, Karan lets Lan borrows WaveMan, a thanks and a cure for Lan's depression. After they win, ArmMan does it final act and kinnaps MegaMan. Karan and WaveMan joined the team! The next Team Mission involes ArmMan, and has no help with ProtoMan. Then suddenly Chaud came, and stop the two fighting. Assuming that MegaMan wins, Lan Hikari and Karan does a game of Tic-Tac-Toe. Telling she wanted to join the team made Lan say no. So, after imforming Karan (her Operator), they tried to join the team. During the last team mission againest Ratel, up in the roof was WaveMan, who admire ProtoMan (but didn't see the Blue-Bomber) he wanted to help. After the MegaMan crew turned to normal (by defeating Glyde, GutsMan, ands Roll in animal form), they join the crew. Later on they get a call from Mayl, Dex and Yai, saying their NetNavi gone wild. In the first Team Mission in ACDC Area 3, ProtoMan, and MegaMan fight Ratel, and wins in the Team Mission. The members can also transform into their animals in dangerous situations. Lan then remembers the events of MegaMan Battle Network 5 and decides to form a team. Neko and Inu then quits, making their master plan, to rule the real and cyber worlds.

He fights him in a friendly match and MegaMan wins. He goes to Offical Network to go to ProtoMan. Some strange navis with the ability to turn into the animal they best represent. turn to these strange beast-like forms, Lan and Megaman tries to form a team with Chaud and Neko and Inu.