The re-birth that spring brings, the warmth of summer days, the beautiful colors of fall, and the cooler days of winter. * Spend time in nature and enjoy its teachings and blessings. * Good friends and relationships are hard to come by…cherish them and handle with care * The grass is not always greener on the other side of the fence * Don’t blame others for your mistakes…take responsibility * Karma is inevitable…what goes around comes around * Despite challenges and difficulties, stay positive Play with your pet (or find one to play with) De Week Van Filemon - Bij de Satudarah - YouTube 0:00 / 1:38 De Week Van Filemon - Bij de Satudarah Omroep BNN 20. A week later, when more money was discovered missing, I was called in by the. Filemon Wesselink was born on 24 March 1979 in Zutphen, Gelderland. * Have an attitude of curiosity and learning. Weeks before we were to receive our diplomas, Filemon and I were paired to. Take a walk, ride a bike, practice a sport.

It doesn’t have to be anything strenuous. * Avoid putting toxins in your life, including toxic food, toxic thoughts and emotions, toxic relationships, and toxic environments. * Give of your talents to someone that needs them. * Tell those you love that you love them…often. * Speak with close friends…at least three of them weekly * Write hand-written notes…it is becoming a lost art and few people do it. * The average person spends 3 hours 43 minutes on the smartphone per day * Don’t lose yourself on the internet reading useless information * Put down your smartphone and enjoy good conversation * Focus on what is important and gives your life meaning. He posed many excellent questions in regards to our services and partnerships, and was most supportive of our mission in working to save lives.* Set realistic goals and create plans for achieving them (no new year’s resolutions) "We appreciate the services you provide for our community." Vela added, "Please let me know how I can help you in Washington, and please be sure to include us in your briefings and communications whenever a significant weather event is forecast to affect the area." Meteorologist in Charge Drillette was equally impressed with Mr. Datum: 5 oktober 2012 Auteur: Volksnieuws uit Amsterdam-Noir 0 Reacties. Vela was impressed with the office and staff. Facebook van Filemon 'Filemon gaat Down Under World in Amsterdam-Noir met Steven Brown in Killing Fields Amsterdam'. Each guest was provided a NWS Brownsville/Rio Grande Valley bag filled with NWS information and promotional items, and included a copy of the 2012 Texas Hurricane Guide, Rio Grande Valley Edition. The visit ended after a "decision support" style weather briefing was provided by Mr. Aguilar Memorial College of Las Pias Financial Management Management BSBA RANDOM - Fall. The tour was followed by a description of how data and computer model information are processed into weather forecasts by Senior Forecaster Joseph Tomaselli. RizasLifeandWorks1styear-Week 15 (Revised).docx Dr. The tour included a discussion of the remodeled operations area which serves as the "hub" of decision support and collaboration amongst staff and core partners to improve weather readiness.

Vela and his guests a tour of the operations area.

Vela asked a number of questions on topics ranging from tornado and hurricane forecasting to the ongoing drought.įollowing the presentation and discussion, Science and Operations Officer Douglas Butts gave Mr. The Representative, District Directors Marisela Cortez (Cameron County) and Humberto Garza (Hidalgo County) were treated to a presentation by Meteorologist in Charge (MIC) Steve Drillette and Warning Coordination Meteorologist Barry Goldsmith on the National Weather Service, including an overview of the agency, the Weather Ready Nation initiative, and the many ways NWS Brownsville/Rio Grande Valley serves more than 1 million people across the southern most portion of Texas. Congressman Filemon Vela, who represents a portion of South Texas from the Lower Rio Grande Valley through the King Ranch, extending to rural areas east of San Antonio, visited the National Weather Service in Brownsville during the morning of March 25th, 2013. In June 2012, Congressman Blake Farenthold (R–Texas 27th District) stopped by with his staff in November, elections were held to fill an added district (the 34th) due to increased Texas population in the 2010 Census. Filemon Vela (D–Texas 34th District) and Staff Learn How We Serveįor the second time in a year, NWS Brownsville/Rio Grande Valley welcomed a sitting U.S. Newly Elected Congressman Visits NWS Brownsville/RGV Representative Filemon Vela, March 25th 2013